Isnin, 20 April 2009


ntah nape sdey sgt ari ni...
ada lg ke hrpn tuk ak skrg ni...
less of loves,.....
lesser of cares...........
more 'rainy'.... more tears..
no happiness.....
be hopeless.....
being ignored.....
no more attention on me.....
i'm so down.....
i'm so hopeless.....
i'm really not happy... with me myself... with dis condition now....
i've nothing.....

my hopes...................

happy life...
no more tears...
more loves...
more attention....
more cares..........

there's have all that for me ??????? or i'm just dreaming of all that.....

i need someone who really want to understand me, really cares for me, believe in me,

someone who can accept all GOOD N BAD about me.......

what i need now...... is ATTENTION

1 ulasan:

  1. sedihnya....
    ak pn tym2 exm ni nk gak perhatian..
    tp x tau nk mntak kat sapa....
    x smpat nk cr sblm exm..
